
The doom sayers have been saying that now since 1914. No doubt that is true. It will end some year. No one on this Earth knows when, so just enjoy what little time that you have left.

My shtick is "DEPRESSION IS COMING!!". I think I am closer to the truth.

Depression News

The best definition of a financial depression is a period when supply overwhelms demand, resulting in falling prices, unemployment problems, and economic contraction.

Investopedia explains 'Great Depression'

The NYSE crashed on October 24, 1929, a day known as Black Thursday. Thousands of people lost nearly the entire value of their investments, leaving them with next to nothing. The trend continued and the following Tuesday, Black Tuesday, the DJIA dropped 12%, marking the start of the great depression. International trade declined, along with personal income, tax revenues and product prices.

Many economists believed the Great Depression was evidence that capitalism, when left unchecked, is a dangerous ideology.

This caused some nations to change their political structures, such as Germany, who adopted fascism.

Read more:


Indications of a depression will be a 12% drop in the stock market combined with a high rate of inflation. People will be purchasing gold as a hedge against the inflation, so watch the price of gold closely.


"Depression is coming". Half of Europe is mired in a recession with 20+% unemployment and 30+% poverty but keeps limping along from one financial crisis to the next.

The United States is so far in debt that it could not handle a recession, not alone a depression, but again keeps limping along from one financial crisis to the next.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The higher it rises, the harder it will fall.

The stock market is up at 13,000 now. While up and down, it mostly is tending to rise.

This is caused by several reasons.

One reason is the settlement of the European debt problem. Several of the European countries with debt problems passed budgets to bring their spending in line. This solves the problem of immediate bankruptcy, but does nothing to fix the deep recession, high unemployment rates, or poverty that exists in these countries.

One reason is the price of gasoline is moderating. Semi-stability in the Mid-East and a slowdown in the Chinese economy helps with the problem. There is no way to judge what effect the economies of India, Turkey, Pakistan, Mexico, and Brazil will have upon the price of gasoline.

Most financial experts recognize that a market crash is inevitable. It is just a matter of when and how far.

It is just a matter of time until the recession problem catches up with one of the European nations with debt problems. When the first one declares bankruptcy, the rest will follow. This will account for a thousand point drop in the market.

It is just a matter of time until the economies of China, India, Pakistan, Mexico, and Brazil all improve to a high level. This will cause a surge in the price of gasoline. American consumers will cut back on spending to shoulder the price of gasoline. This will account for a thousand point drop in the market.

The Boomer generation is heavily invested in the stock market. Presently at a retirement age, this generation has no place to which they can switch their investment to draw interest. When the market nose dives, the Boomer generation will withdraw from the market to maintain their equity. This will account for a thousand point drop in the market.

There are at least a hundred other factors which can cause a thousand point drop in the market, or indeed, can trigger a crash.

Be prepared.

Depression is coming!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

You saw the headlines. "Coming soon to New York City, El Quaeda".

Will El Quaeda try again? Oh, Yes!

Why? Because even El Quaeda recognizes the United States as being the leader of the Free World.

Freedom of religion. Freedom to vote, liberty, justice. Freedom to pursue success.

An organization, such as El Quaeda can only exist in a country where there is no freedom. El Queda can only exist where fear, terror, tyranny, and anarchy reign.

Why New York City? Because New York City is the symbol of world capitalism. Leader in banking. Leader in finance. Leader in stock markets.

One of the reasons El Quaeda targets New York City is because New York City has such a diverse population working together in peace and harmony.

The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center represented such a symbol of capitalism that the El Quaeda tried at least twice before they were successful in bringing them down.

"From the Ashes, the Phoenix did Rise".

The new One World Trade Center is being constructed. The El Quaeda will attack this new One World Trade Center because it represents El Quaeda failure. Failure to instill fear and terror.

From any attempt by the El Quaeda to destroy the new One World Trade Center, the phoenix will again rise.

The phoenix being the desire and resolve by all Americans to wipe terrorism from the face of this Earth.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cure for Insomnia

Parents Know Best

Professional business people say that insomnia is caused by tension of problems encountered during the day. They say the best way to reduce the tension is to set down and write out a detailed examination of your problems, and then a methodical step-by-step approach to solving them.

Doctors say that one way to cure insomnia is exercise. Even a short period, 15-30 minutes of walking will reduce tension and stress levels.

Psychologists suggest that a period of playing with and petting your pet animal will reduce your tension and stress levels.

Our parents said the best way to fall asleep was to go to bed and count sheep jumping over a fence.

The best way to cure insomnia is to set down and write out a detailed examination of your problems, then take your pet out for a leisurely stroll.

When you get back, tear up the paper with the problems, because if you had any answers, they wouldn't be problems.

Then go to bed and start counting sheep. Trying to imagine those sheep jumping over the fence will take your mind off your problems, and the sheer boredom of counting will put you to sleep.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Stop the Lynch Party!

Stop the lynch party. George Zimmerman is not the culprit.

George Zimmerman should not be railroaded, just as Trayvon Martin should not have been shot.

Who is the culprit? A law, which allowed a non-law professional out on a crime beat such as a neighborhood watch patrol. Most people would not consider a neighborhood watch patrol to be a crime beat. It was that night!

Everyday, at sunset, hundreds of these para-policemen hit the streets on neighborhood watch patrols. These patrolmen are driving their own vehicles, with no identification. They wear nothing which identifies them as neighborhood watch.

And believe me, these people are armed. They fear for their lives, just as much as a policeman. They are armed with tire irons, billyclubs, tasers, mace, pistols, rifles, etc. The individual para-policeman arms himself with whatever he feels comfortable.

We now have an armed, unidentified, individual patrolling the streets, looking for criminals. It is just a matter of time before someone gets hurt. Will it be an innocent neighbor, or the patrolman?

In the case of Trayvon Martin, he saw an unidentified, menacing person and tried to flee.

In the case of a frightened George Zimmerman, he saw a menacing suspect in a hoodie, and fired. Whether he fired by accident, or on purpose, is something even he will probably never know.

Stop the lynch party! Do something constructive and prevent another tragedy from occurring.

Require that all patrolmen be in marked uniforms. These could be something simple as vests.

Require that all patrol vehicles be marked as "Neighborhood Watch". Simple magnet signs would work.

Require that all neighborhood watch patrolmen be trained.

There are only two items upon which these para-policemen need training.

#1. - Never leave your vehicle!

#2. - If the para-policeman encounters suspicious activity, CALL A REAL POLICEMAN!

A note to our professional police force, remember that it is better to have a thousand mistaken phone calls than one tragedy.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Economy Improvement Programs

The United States economy is still mired in high unemployment. The home foreclosure rate has improved very little. Now the price of gasoline is rising at such a rate that it will strangle the economy or cause high inflation.

The Republican Presidential candidates acknowledge these are problems, but are too busy bashing each other to consider how they would fix the problems.

President Obama also acknowledges these problems. He realizes, though, as long as he blames the problems on the Republicans, then he will get reelected.

When Herman Cain was campaigning, he came up with the 9-9-9 plan for taxes. The plan was flawed, but it was at least a concrete proposal. It did provide a starting point for discussion. What plan has Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, or Newt Gingrich put forth?

President Obama thinks he is safe. If the price of gas continues rising, it will stifle the economy resulting in higher unemployment rates. Voters will boot President Obama just to get a change of leadership.

How about some proposals?

How about 4-5-6.

Four years Presidency. Five percent annual Gross Domestic Product growth rate. Six percent unemployment rate.

These are attainable targets, and targets to which both the President, and Congress can be held.

These are admirable targets, but what about a concrete program to achieve them?

Enterprise Zones. Much of the United States is doing good economy wise. The biggest drag on the economy is in those manufacturing states where the jobs went overseas. Manufacturing jobs that it is said will not be returning to the United States.

Establish Enterprise Zones in those manufacturing states. Areas where any manufacturer moving jobs from overseas will be given a ten year exemption from paying corporate taxes. Perhaps the state itself could chip in the land and some tax relief, to get the jobs and put the land back on the tax roll.

Another item which is dragging down the economy is the number of foreclosed houses sitting empty. These empty houses not only cause other homes not to appreciate, they cause them to depreciate and result in lower property tax revenues.

Existing home owners use the appreciation of their homes to refinance debt such as credit cards. If there is no appreciation, then this debt can not be refinanced.

I propose a $1,000 federal tax credit to first time home buyers who purchased foreclosed homes. Perhaps the states could also add local tax credits to get the real estate market moving.

To reduce dependency on oil, I would propose a $100 tax on any new passenger car sold that did not have a hybrid or electric motor for power. A hundred dollars would not make or break a sale, but would speed up the design and development of passenger cars with more efficient hybrid and electric motors.

The hundred dollar tax would also put a FEW million dollars in government coffers.

Someone had better do something OR

Depression is Coming!

Monday, March 12, 2012

6 Reasons for a Depression

Total World Population: 7,000,000,000

China, Population 1,347,350,000

India, Population 1,210,193,000

Brazil, Population 192,376,000

Pakistan, Population 178,927,000

Mexico, Population 112,336,000

Turkey, Population 74,724,000

------------------ -------------

Total Population 3,115,906,000

That's right, these six nations represent almost half of the world's population. Their economies are primarily agricultural. Now, thanks to technology from the more industrialized nations, these nations are rapidly industrializing themselves.

The living standards of the citizens of these countries could best be compared to the living standards of the United States in the 1950s. In the 1950s, the larger cities had the conveniences of cement roads, inside plumbing, electricity, and natural gas for heating.

In the smaller cities and in rural areas, though, dirt or gravel roads were the norm, as well as water wells and outhouses. Coal was used for heating and kerosene lanterns or candles were used for lighting.

Compare this to the United States of twenty years later when we sent a man to the moon. Let me remind you that China is now developing a space program to put a man on the moon.

As I said, half the population of the world. The citizens of these countries now see how the citizens of the rest of the industrialized nations live, and they want electricity, running water, cars, refrigerators and computers. They will get these modern conveniences, too.

The governments of these nations have no large debt. The citizens have no personal debt to speak of. These nations will compete with the United States and the other industrialized nations for energy and natural resources. This competition will drive the prices higher, and will force the United States and the industrialized nations into what best could be described as bankruptcy.

Prepare now because:


Monday, March 5, 2012

Limbaugh - Too little - Too late

Contraception is a personal decision. There is no way the medical insurance industry should be required to pay for contraception measures. Regardless of your religious beliefs, you should be opposed to this issue. Regardless of whether your views are conservative or liberal, you should be opposed to this issue. Medical insurance companies pay from a money pool. The money comes from the premiums of the policy holders. Why should all of the policy holders have to pay for those few who want to practice safe sex? Contraception is not a screening measure for disease, sickness, or cancer such as mammograms, pap smears, prostrate exams, etc. Paying for contraception means the insurance companies have less money in the pool available to pay for necessary screening measures, or they have to raise the health insurance premiums. Health insurance premiums are already too high. Contraception is a personal decision. Any person that makes that decision should be prepared to pay that price. In so far as Rush Limbaugh goes, what he said was totally uncalled for. His speech, his views are not conservative, ultra-conservative, or even American. His views could best be classified as radical. That speech was given strictly for the purpose of inflaming the listening audience. Boycotting the program's sponsors is not enough. Turning off the radio is not enough. The network should drop his program. Sound like censorship? Rush Limbaugh is still free to talk as he desires. We, the audience do not have to listen to him. If a few more people would have turned off a radical named Hitler, we would never have had World War Two.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fuel Mileage in the Trucking Industry

The good news is that the financial rescue package for Greece is being finalized and should be passed this week. The loan will allow the Greek government to avoid the immediate default on its financial obligations. The bad news is that the cuts the Greek government made in its budget will serve to drive the Greek economy further into recession. The good news is that other European countries are also working on austerity budgets to bring down their debt. The bad news is that no one in Europe is doing anything to bring these countries out of recession, which is what is causing the debt problems The good news in the US is that unemployment dropped some more. The bad news in the US is the price of gas increased some more. The good news is that the politicians now recognize the effect that the gas price increase has on the American public. The bad news is that no politician has a workable solution to the problem. The government's solution to the problem is to increase the fuel mileage of cars, which get 28 MPG. The problem is that is open road mileage. The majority of automobiles is driven in the city and gets maybe, two-thirds of that mileage. Another problem that is not being addressed is Over-The-Road semi-trucks. These trucks get six and a half miles per gallon. The last thing done to increase efficiency of the trucks was to put a deflector over the cab to deflect air over the trailer. That was adopted back in the 80s. Meanwhile the railroads have been working continually to increase the efficiencies of both their practices and equipment. Perhaps the trucking industry should look at the railroad industry and try to adopt some of their technology. If mileage on these trucks could be improved to ten miles per gallon, a million gallons of fuel a day would be saved. Someone had better do something because: Depression is coming.

Monday, February 20, 2012

United States Fuel Crisis

Depression is coming!

Analysts are predicting that the price of gasoline will hit the $4.00-$5.00 range by this summer.  At present the price of gasoline in the Midlands is around $3.50 a gallon.  It is already $4.00 a gallon in California and many major cities of the United States.

Consumers, when faced with rising gasoline prices, slow their spending.  This causes a contraction in the economy.  Actually the consumers don't stop spending.  Now their discretionary spending money goes into their gas tanks.

If it was just gasoline that increased in price, there would be just a minor blip in the economy.

The price of diesel fuel runs 25 to 50 cents a gallon more than that of gasoline.

Farmers use diesel fuel in their tractors to plow fields, seed, cultivate, and harvest their crops.  Diesel trucks haul the crops to market.  Diesel trucks and diesel powered trains haul the crops to manufacturers.  Diesel trucks and trains haul the finished product to merchants.

When the price of fuel increases, everything in the supply chain increases in price.

The price of diesel in Europe is already at its historic high.  And much of Europe is in a recession.

In the lower right of this blog is a news widget producing news concerning, "diesel price".  Most of the information being produced presently is news concerning the price of diesel fuel overseas.  As the price of diesel goes up here in the United States, more US news will be produced on that widget.

Keep an eye on the stock market widget.  As the price of diesel fuel increases, the stock market will drop.

An increase in the price of gasoline from four dollars a gallon to five dollars would be a twenty percent raise.  Remember that in 1929, it only took a twelve percent drop in the stock market to start that depression.

Depression is coming!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nero watched as Rome burned.  European countries are watching as Athens burns, and wonding if they will be next.

According to Reuters, Greece has been in a recession for the last four years, and things do not look any better for the upcoming year.  The Greek economy shrank 6.8 percent in 2011,  unemployment is at 19% and poverty at 20%.

If this is not a depression, then what is?